Friday, July 18, 2008

Soap Suds

It's funny, yet horrifying, when you realize just how corruptible humans are.

To change the original form of

We start at the very lowest level, or rather, that of a baby. The one being that is universally agreed to be pure, at least in some circles. The inconsistency of this has been noted. But small children are the symbol of innocence, correct? And small children, being small children, are very susceptible to corruption, whether it be for better or worse. Can someone be tainted for the better? Of course. That's what the bad guys say.

What are the virtues of virtue, exactly? A ticket through the Pearly Gates, certainly, but not everyone believes in that. What else? The respect of anyone good enough to recognize your inherent good, probably. Maybe a sense of selflessness in yourself, and a warm feeling as accompaniment. More than likely the false sense of superiority that some Chri-...people seem to have. And karmic gratification. Of course, you also get to stay out of prison, you goodie-two-shoes, you.

Good of being bad? Two words: street smart. Plus little to no restrictions on said street, really. A sort of confidence, too. You're bad-a, if video games have a say. Karmic retribution applies, but why sweat the small stuff, right? It just feels good, you baaaaad boy.

Don't drop the soap though...

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