Thursday, July 3, 2008

Galactic Doors Slamming - Can You Hear Them?

"Oh, hey there. Nice of you to drop in...*chuckle*..."

*you look up at the trap door you just fell through*

"'re one of those. Bother, I do hate to explain things...but I suppose that's what I'm here for, eh? Come now, look sharp man. You see these two doors? Yes...'course you do."

*more looking, more looking...the room feels smaller somehow...*

"...No, not the ceiling, idiot. You can only go forward from here. So, which will it be? Door Number One or Door Number Two? Door Number B or Door Number A? Door Number Heads or Door Number Tails? Door Number This or Door Number That? Door Number Minie or Door Number Eenie? Door Number Right or Door Number Left? Door Number Death or Door Number Life? Heh...Door Number...what are you sitting there staring at me for, dummy? That wall isn't going to slow down just because you're in the way. Don't worry about me, I've always been able to manage when the traffic decides to be slow."

*you rise, still making your decision, but becoming understandably hastened in the undertaking*

"Oh yeah. Leave your sword here."

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