Monday, July 21, 2008


As they sat wearily around the campfire, one noticed the silent monotony, and, feeling mischievous, quietly doused the fire.

Panic surged a couple of the friends, but the laughter accompanying the gasps quickly spread, and accurate guesses were made about the perpetrator. One moved to ignite the tinder again, but another, as if reading the former's thoughts, cut him off.

"Let's leave the fire. We're all done eating, right? Can't we just enjoy the evening?"


"Aww, scared of the dark now, are we?"

"Haha, it's not like anything will attack us way out here."

"I guess so..."

"There now...isn't this a lovely night?"



" you all see?"

"Nothing! Haha! Can't even see my own feet."

"The graves of my enemies, rotting in the darkness.."

"An ambush.."

"..the moon is lovely tonight."


"Well, what about you?"

"Heh..our dreams..seem to be in reach.

"Didn't need you to tell us that!"

"As you wish.."


"What was that..!?"

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