Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Wheel Turns...

I'm turning 16 in a less than two weeks (yes Mom, I'm telling the scary internet stalkers how old I am o:). And it sure does NOT feel like it. 16 is supposed to be one of those milestone ages, right? I guess I'm happy that I'm getting a car and all...it is representative of newfound freedom in a way. The bird's wings are gaining strength at last...but it means more responsibility too, not that I have much at this point anyway.

I don't blame Peter Pan for never wanting to grow up. Many adults seem to have a twisted view of the world...whether it's merely a lack of that childhood innocence or some delayed effect of puberty or something else entirely, I'll never know, but parenthood seems to be a decent enough cure. I'm a bit scared that this may happen to me, since I do not plan on becoming a father. Unfortunately, the newer generations seem to be learning their lessons from this lesser side of maturity. Is it really so hard to take the slightest bit of responsibility? It's not as if our education system is teaching valuable skills, so parents should be doing more work rather than less. Having a job is understandable, but having misplaced priorities is not. Nurturing those little bundles of promise into spoiled brats is the equally bad opposite end of the spectrum, but that is another tale.

What does physical age even mean anyway? How much punishment your body can take? Doesn't really prove too much, does it?

Monday, June 25, 2007

Some of those times...


"Ohp, there's the phone, wonder what's up...A movie? That sounds like a good plan for today....oh perfectly typical. They want me to decide between the two they voted on...ugh."

She thought over the two options placed before her...a comedy or a deep thinker...pretty clear cut.

A philosophical tale, made to target those thoughts we never thought of. It would certainly give rise to things her friends wouldn't think about without such a provoking catalyst. Moving themes, subtle statements about the world, opportunity to truly look inside oneself. It would be a little like watching a mirror...just the sort of awakening any person needs. With the attitude of this generation, we need some seriousness...

But then there's the comedy...

Laughter...it doesn't look like one of those trashy movies either...just comedy in its purest, simplest form. It's got a fair share of deep in its core of humor, but it was made to make people laugh...to laugh at themselves, and the things they take far too seriously...to dispell the miasma of everyday life. Someone once said the key to a healthy life was laughter...maybe they had a point.

"Haha, listen to me ramble...man, I need to lighten up sometimes."

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Candle Light

We all want to be a hero. It's in all of us, that desire to be a beacon. Be it the whole world or just one person, we all wanna be a hero. The one that inspires others to great heights. The one that gets them off the couch and up to the stand. Not the kind that wins awards, but the kind that wins a special place in someone's heart. The candle in the dark...they may flicker and waver the tiniest bit, but they will never disappear into the night.

We all want to be a hero. To stand up and FIGHT. To stand up even if we're going to LOSE. To stand up only to be shot DOWN. Because a hero will always STAND.

We all want to be a hero. And Heroes never stop.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sandman's Whims

Why does a dream mean? Do they have any meaning? Are they just an amalgamation of all our subconscious thoughts? Do they reflect anything at all about us?

When you dream in black and white or in crystal clear color, what does that mean? What if we have a dream where we are someone else? What if our eyes and ears are not even attached to a living avatar, but are instead just floating around in the airs, unable to do anything at all. When you have a nightmare, is your subconsciousnes trying to tell you to stop being scared of something? Was it even about something you feared?

What about your actions in a dream. Are they really your own? Should the events of a dream mirror themselves in reality, will the outcome remain the same? Is it truly what you would do? What does it mean? Even if it is not what you would truly do, what does it tell you about yourself?

I ask this because I dream so little. The answers do not lie easily within my grasp. Whenever I do dream however, I do wonder these things.

And I know this does not make up for the long absence, but summer fever be upon me :D