Saturday, May 3, 2008


The teenage specimen never ceases to amaze me. What other life form tries so fervently to act as an adult, and sometimes even looks like an adult, but can still retain a mind even more immature than a child's? Maybe that's too pessimistic of me. Maybe a little high and mighty, seeing as I'm a teen myself. But...

I like to think that I put others before myself.

I like to think that I'm not the center of the world.

I like to think that other people's opinions are not said world.

I'm not (the) one to say if what I think is right or not, but I know that the rose-tinted glasses have long since come off; it's hard not to notice things. How we talk behind everyone's back. What we say for no reason. What we do for no reason. What we don't do...for no reason. A guy I know said this, and I've already agreed with this forever, but I don't understand why anyone could ever think it is a good idea to hurt someone. Yet teenagers continue to commit crimes against humanity daily. It's not really a question of who's doing the backstabbing, but how deep they decide to push it in, purely on whim. And how rarely the salve of honesty is ever applied. What really bothers me though, is how little any of us actually stop and think. Think about just what the hell we're doing to ourselves. Oh, which reminds me of a more minor point: silly teens curse far too often for it to ever be taken seriously, right?

I know I'm being too pessimistic, but at the same time, I can't honestly say that I can comprehend all of this. I've begun to pride myself on being a very good judge of character, albeit unconsciously it seems. Out of all the friends I've made and people that I've allowed myself to get close to at all, I've only made the wrong choice once, and she doesn't even know it. Fitting though, in that she happens to epitomize most of my grievances with this troublesome, hormonal demographic.

However, for the sake of not beginning and ending on a negative note...again, here's something positive. Never doubt the capacity of a teenager. Capacity for anything. For all our inherent foolishness, we're capable of much more than we ever get credit for. Capable, perfectly, of that crisis-averting thought, that deep thought, always slowing things down. And capable also of the cure for this steaming pile of...yeah. Capable of love.

That's all that really matters, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.

Glad to be out of that realm tbqh.