Friday, October 26, 2007

Can You See Clearly Now?

Light = Knowledge

Darkness = Mystery

That's how we see it, right? But why? Why can't it be Light = inside the box and Darkness = outside the box? Concrete versus Imagination? What's the big deal with Light always being good and Darkness being the evil witch, cackling up to her horrible, melting end?

Don't give me that crap about what I just said. It's a matter of perspective and you know it. Some old guy way back when decided how to think and everyone else decided to think what he had thunk without giving it much thought themselves.

Light equals the past, the known, the written, the has-been, the essay already written, the problem already answered, all that is tangible.

Darkness equals the future, the unknown, the soon-to-be-written, the will-be, the brainstorming, the empty blank, all that is intangible.

Am I shedding any Light onto the situation?? (haha, jokes) 'Cause I'd rather be making it oh so Darker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to say this for so many years...