Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Wheel Turns...

I'm turning 16 in a less than two weeks (yes Mom, I'm telling the scary internet stalkers how old I am o:). And it sure does NOT feel like it. 16 is supposed to be one of those milestone ages, right? I guess I'm happy that I'm getting a car and all...it is representative of newfound freedom in a way. The bird's wings are gaining strength at last...but it means more responsibility too, not that I have much at this point anyway.

I don't blame Peter Pan for never wanting to grow up. Many adults seem to have a twisted view of the world...whether it's merely a lack of that childhood innocence or some delayed effect of puberty or something else entirely, I'll never know, but parenthood seems to be a decent enough cure. I'm a bit scared that this may happen to me, since I do not plan on becoming a father. Unfortunately, the newer generations seem to be learning their lessons from this lesser side of maturity. Is it really so hard to take the slightest bit of responsibility? It's not as if our education system is teaching valuable skills, so parents should be doing more work rather than less. Having a job is understandable, but having misplaced priorities is not. Nurturing those little bundles of promise into spoiled brats is the equally bad opposite end of the spectrum, but that is another tale.

What does physical age even mean anyway? How much punishment your body can take? Doesn't really prove too much, does it?


Anonymous said...

And here all this time I thought you were John and my age...

Anyway, I found 18 to be more milestone than 16. Maybe it's the transfer to college... I don't know.

You'd make a great father, even though you don't want to be one. Not that that needs to be said...

Well, keep breathing.

Anonymous said...

well i guess it depends on the culture

for jewish people 13 is the BIG age
its when you are considered a man

in paraguay its 15
its basicly when you are ready for adult life. you start dating and start driving and basicly just being an adult

in the us it seems to be spread out over 13, 16, and 18
13=social independence

16=more social independence?

18=yay adulthood

and to be completely honest Ive never seen you with kids so i can't tell if you would make a good father or not. granted you never really treat other peoples kids the way you would treat your own.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. Thanks for the attention, bye). Até mais.

John said...

Nice part about the scary internet stalkers.

Age.... I really wonder if it matters much at all anymore.