Eureka! By Jove, I think I've got it! That's it! Success! Mission accomplished! Of course! Brilliant! I can see it now! It all makes sense now!
I found it. The answer. Yeah, that one. The one that answers that most personal question, that most important quandary, that most deeply embedded curiosity. You know the one I'm talking about. That thing you were always too scared to ask. Too scared of what the answer might be. Might have always been. Might become. Remember it now? Guess what? I know the answer.
The solution to every problem that ever came around actually needing a solution. The missing gear in the mechanics of Life. The looking glass through which thirty-seven shades of gray become crystal clear black and white.
I know it.
And you know what?
I'll tell you.
Listen closely.
I'll only say it once.
It depends.
3 years ago