I guess it saves a lot of time, but writing has got to be one of the most fallible and infallible ways of getting to know someone. It would be pretty simple to cook up fantastic tales, lavishly coated with sugary details everyone else conveniently forgot and topped with the most enticing sprinkles we never saw. Of course, few are petty enough to fabricate a letter read only by their tenth grade English teacher (and assorted others should the author in question choose to post it on his or her writing blog beforehand).
Does that sound arrogant? It sort of does now that I'm rereading it, but thems the breaks I suppose.
First and foremost, hobbies. Music is my first love, and as you already know, I'm a drummer. Not a drummer in the traditional high school sense, as in someone who's touched a drumset for a few minutes, but every little tidbit in the Percussion family of instruments. For marching band, I play the tenor drums, but this is only my first year on the line. Timpani, which also happens to be the instrument dearest to me, was the part I played last season. I also play drumset and the vibraphone in Cinco's Jazz Band, or whatever else the music says. There's just this indescribable feeling that you get when you hear something beautiful and you think to yourself, "Hey, I did that." Should I go professional or not, this isn't something I'll ever be letting go.
As oh so subtly mentioned before, I enjoy writing as well, even though I don't get around to it near as often as I should. I maintain a humble little blog that was started up about half a year ago, which contains most of my free form short blurbs. I say free form only because rubrics for anything to do with writing just irks me to no end. Yes, it's necessary for grading purposes, but it always just feels as though it chokes the work in a way. Writing to a specific type or theme is a useful skill, but it never feels quite right. These blurbs are read by a rather small audience, but they're all I want, as just knowing that I'm not the only one reading this really helps fuel get into the creative fire.
Lollers, too bad I misread the board and didn't have to do this after all. Not letting this work go to waste though D:!