Saturday, April 28, 2007

Twist and Turn

What's in a name? Does it reflect who we are? Were we fated to receive the perfect calling card? Or is it just the whim of our parents that decides what we will always be known as to our closest confidants?

Let's see if an example helps. My name is Will. Now will is quite obviously both a name and a word. One could even call it a state of mind. The will to act, live, think, write, create. The will to resist temptation and stave off the darkness. The will to be the light of those in need. The will to open the eyes of the world. All things I'd like to live up to, but one could hardly say that it describes me, right?

But let's take another angle.

See Will is obviously not my full name; it's short for William. My first and middle names were both derived from a pair of special men, but that's another story for another time. A few years ago, I had an English project where we had to research our names and figure out its origin. William is derived from the old British name Wilhelm. Wilhelm was in turn derived from two words that were strung together to describe the first owner of the name. Understand where I'm going? Those two words were will and helm, or the will to helm, which obviously comes out as roughly meaning guardian or protector. So in essence, I am the protector right? Does that describe me?

I don't know, but I do think that even if it isn't a perfect fit, our names always reflect something about us. Just a bit of rambling thoughts here.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Two Roads

Could you imagine being someone else? Taking your soul, mind, and memories and placing them into another person, whether they really exist or not? I don't mean roleplay characters, I mean a completely different person with a completely different life. Could you? Is your life so horrible that you would throw it all away and completely change who you are?

Should you answer yes, I have nothing but the utmost pity for you. You envy someone else so much that you covet not their money, nor property, nor social standing, but their very life. You despise your own life so much that you wish to erase it completely for another. I fail to comprehend such a tortured heart. Yes, many people suffer and many lead horrifying lives, but without suffering, happiness has no meaning. If everything were handed to you on a silver platter, if would bring you no joy. Not unless that silver platter had taken years to obtain and even more time for whatever was upon it. Likewise, pain could not exist without even the smallest measure of bliss, however short. Without one, the other has no meaning. Pain and happiness. Darkness and light. Cold and warmth. Chaos and order. The very definition of one is merely the absence of the other. Without one, the other is simply there, but at the same time is not. Personally, I believe that any life, no matter how terrible, still has something to live for. Any hope of happiness, however brief, is worth seeing the sun rise again for.

Should you answer no, then in my books, you are happy. You hopefully understand what true values are. Even if you possess an evil heart, you have not given up on yourself and for that, I commend you.

Friday, April 20, 2007

beyond the numbers

I just don't get it
all this good will toward everyone
inspired by horrific deeds
and following other's leads
hopping on that bandwagon
"I'll be nice too, cause
everyone is doing it" but
I think you're all nut....s

Does someone have to die
disappearing to the sky
for you to stop this lie
and care?

Is it honestly so hard
to give that starving bard
a measly little shard
of care?

Or does he have to die
for you to even try
to close your eyes and cry
and care?

What makes you believe
that life never deceives
so you never conceive
a care?

And now that it has happened
try to remember what happened
don't ever forget what happened

in one bloody month.

Friday, April 13, 2007


You can't stop me. All of your broken mirrors and black cats and hexes and family curses and full moons and black waters and bloody knives and monkey paws and shriveled feet and cracks in the sidewalk and open umbrellas and thirteens fail to intimidate my seven.

My seven. The Seven. My life.

The glue to the mirror. The kind hand offered to the cat. The rabbit's feet and four-leaf clovers. Crescent moons and white sands and silver shields and third wishes. My toes dance amid the cracks while twirling an umbrella with seven folds.

Nothing shall stop me. You can try all you like. Lady Luck is on my side, even when she's not. Because I believe. The light will appear in the tunnel. The dawn will end the night. The candle will burn on through the darkness...

When the wall pushes me, I push back. When the path stretches ever longer, I keep walking. When the chains bind me, I shatter them.

For my spirit flies high in the neverending sky.
I have no idea where the idea for this came from. It's almost as if something else put the words in my mind. It's awfully similar to the previous post, but conveys the same message in a very different manner. To be honest, I don't really fully get it myself.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Phoenix Rising

The sword, it's edge dull and chipped, fell to the floor with a clatter. Drops of blood, still warm from the body, stained its worn metal as gravity claimed them. A harsh laugh echoed through the hall.

"Is that all you've got? I expected more from one with a reputation such as yours! Take up your blade now or I'll strike you down as you kneel before me!"

Rasping breaths and more falling droplets.

"Those eyes of yours are quite useless aren't they? can't see a thing. Beyond the walls of physical are blind. Ha ha...quite blind indeed."

More drops.

"Strike me down if it please you. That wretched reputation means nothing to me. Just know that your death with follow mine in short order. You don't who have never known true fear. When things get their worst...when all seems lost..."


"You underestimate me. My resolve...I will not lose. As long as my will lives on, I shall not lose. The swordsman lives twice."


"Come then, fool. Let us finish this farce. One who has never seen the scythe of Death cannot hope to understand true strength. So long as my heart is set, no force can stop me. From the flames of defeat, I rise evermore."

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The White Rabbit's Fate

The old me would have been angry. Enraged that such a thing dare happen to him. Almost guaranteed to lash out against all he could talk wouldn't feel as though he could talk to anyone. He would save only words of hate for her and her alone.

You writhe impatiently in the darkness, screaming out against the bars of your prison. You wonder why you are locked away? You would take the happiness of the one most dear to you and dash it to pieces to appease your bitter anger. Such sacrifice the feelings of an innocent girl for your own? Are you so arrogant as to believe you're that important?

Heh...foolish questions. Of course you are. You take betrayel for breakfast, lust for lunch, destruction for dinner, and a touch of spite as a light snack. The shadows of human nature...

But you are my shadow.

Though all I can feel is sadness.

Sunday, April 1, 2007


I hate the world.

To be specific, I hate what humanity has done to the world. Regardless of what religion says, this world was a better place before we came along. We are not superior creatures. The only thing we have going for us is our intelligence and that really doesn't count when you look at how we've used it. All of our achievements have been aimed towards making our own lives easier, simpler, and giving the illusion of betterment. Face it people, humans are lazy. Everything we do is just an attempt to do less in the future. We took the time to tame horses just because we were too impatient to make the journey on our own two feet. When fierce beasts of the wild were deemed too slow for us, along came Henry Ford with his automobile assembly lines.

Speed speed speed. The beauty of the natural world that we're ever destroying is nothing more than a fleeting distraction. Can't have that, lad. Time is money after all. If you can't get to a place as fast as possible, why bother? Can't profit from some silly grass. Gads! Watch where you're going! This jacket cost me a fortune! Already got fifty more where that came from, but why waste money where it's already wasted? Come come now, laddie. Got to get those solid gold socks I've been eyeing, hmm?

It's far too late for redemption. We've led this world down the road of ruin and it's far too late to turn back. That bridge crumbled years ago. That bridge was one of a kind. That bridge was crafted from the rarest and finest of materials...materials that no amount of money could ever buy, because they are already gone. The great beings who crafted that bridge are no longer among us either. No matter how much we regret the past, that bridge will never return.

Might as well make the best of our imminent doom, right? No use worrying about what's already been done. Let's not linger on how that attitude got us here in the first place...

Now before you go thinking I'm a horrible person, go do yourself a favor and look at the date.

This world's still got some fight left in it.